Karen Frodsham | ACTO

Karen Frodsham

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Therapist Information
Senior Professional Member

Welcome! I am a Gestalt trained counsellor with over 20 years of experience, primarily in the NHS. I transitioned to online counselling during the global pandemic of 2020 and have embraced this way of working. I offer a safe and supportive environment, whether through video calls, telephone conversations, live chat, or email. I am here to listen and help you achieve the changes you seek.

Before becoming a counsellor, I worked as a nurse and midwife in the NHS. My experiences, especially supporting couples through pregnancy loss and birth trauma, led me to counselling. Over the years, I have helped clients with anxiety, bereavement, low self-esteem, stress, relationship issues, workplace reorganizations, and redundancy. As an accredited counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and a registered member of the Association for Christian Counsellors, I adhere to high ethical standards.

I use a Humanistic approach, primarily Gestalt Therapy, to help you become more aware of your life and relationships. Gestalt Therapy focuses on the present moment and encourages a holistic view of yourself and your experiences. Through this approach, I aim to increase your self-awareness and understanding of how you interact with others and your environment.
In our sessions, we might use techniques such as role-playing, guided imagery, and creative arts to explore your feelings and behaviours. For example, role-playing can help you gain new perspectives on challenging situations, while guided imagery can assist in uncovering deeper emotions. These techniques support you in identifying patterns and blocks that may be hindering your growth and well-being.
Together, we will explore your situation, consider different options, and support you in making the changes you desire. I aim to provide a peaceful, creative, and sometimes humorous space for our sessions.

I work with adults from working in GP surgeries, a hospital maternity unit and employment assistance programmes (EAP), dealing with a wide range of difficulties and struggles. I specialise in bereavement, birth trauma, and pregnancy difficulties; with workplace issues, including stress, anxiety, difficult working relationships and threats of redundancy; and with clients who are neurodivergent. I have a growing interest in working with neurodivergent individuals and their family members, particularly those coming to terms with a diagnosis later in life as an adult. Drawing from my humanistic and holistic approach, I offer nonjudgmental and affirming support to clients as they navigate the unique challenges and strengths associated with neurodivergency. Through collaborative exploration and tailored interventions, I encourage clients to embrace their neurodivergence, cultivate self-acceptance, and thrive in a neurotypical world.

Video, Audio, Live Chat, Email

Bereavement, birth trauma, pregnancy difficulties, work reorganisations

+4407952 662788

A 60 minute session is £50
I offer counselling trainees reduced rates, at £40
There may be other concessions available, please ask me


Online Supervisor Profile

Hello! As a supervisor, I'm dedicated to providing a supportive and compassionate environment where counsellors and therapists can flourish. With a background in Gestalt Therapy and extensive experience in the NHS, I offer supervision to nurture your professional growth and ethical practice. I work with trainee, newly qualified, and experienced therapists; I specialise in supporting neurodiverse therapists. We'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and skill enhancement, creating a space where you can explore your strengths, deepen your self-awareness, and achieve your professional aspirations. Let's work together to enrich your practice and foster both professional and personal growth as a therapist.

I use the RESEED model in Supervision, influenced by Gestalt Therapy and other supervision models, including Hawkins and Shohet's Seven Eyed Model. The collaborative nature of our relationship is central to our working together, and I view supervision as a restorative, regenerative, and relational process.

Bereavement, pregnancy loss, and birth trauma.
I work with neurodivergent therapists

I aim to provide a peaceful and calm space where we can discuss your clients and your practice. I work visually and creatively, using imagery, role play, and other techniques to explore and overcome blocks in your work. My approach integrates Gestalt Therapy with other models to suit your individual needs and professional context.

I work with trainee and newly qualified counsellors; trainee supervisees, experienced therapists, including neurodiverse therapists, and learning support mentors from Higher Education Colleges. Many of my supervisees come from different core modalities, seeking to expand their knowledge and integrate aspects of Gestalt Therapy.

I offer supervision sessions via video call, audio, live chat, and email. Confidentiality and security are paramount, ensuring our sessions are private and uninterrupted. The platform will be chosen to meet your needs and requirements.

Video, Audio, Live Chat, Email

£50 for 60 minutes and £75 for 90 minutes
I offer supervision trainees reduced rates, at £40 for 60 minutes & £60 for 90 minutes
There may be other concessions available, please ask me



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