

Summary about the company

1 in 17 people in the UK will be affected by a rare disease at some point. raremindsCIC is a non-profit company supporting the mental health of rare disease patients and family members. We raise awareness of the mental health impact of rare diseases and genetic conditions, contribute to wider research, and work with rare disease charities to provide highly specialised online counselling and emotional wellbeing support services.    


How the company supports online therapy work

We provide predominantly Online individual, couple and group counselling/ psychotherapy, workshops and psycho-educational resources to patients and family members impacted by rare diseases. We also provide training and supervision to charity support leads and healthcare professionals.  Our clinical team are all qualified and experienced counsellors and psychotherapists who have received additional training by us in the psychosocial, physical and mental health challenges faced by those diagnosed with a rare disease/condition. 

Special offers

We occasionally have vacancies/ placement opportunities.  Please contact us for further information: contactus@rareminds.org

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